Eason & Tambornini, A Law Corporation

Call for a FREE Consultation: (916) 438-1819 or (800) 391-8219
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(916) 438-1819 or (800) 391-8219
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Guarantee: We win, or you don’t pay us a fee!

Marysville Truck Accident Attorneys

The Marysville truck accident attorneys at Eason & Tambornini understand that a collision involving an 18-wheeler or other large commercial truck can be devastating. Medical injuries and loss of work are just a few of the significant complications a truck accident can result in.

Marysville Truck Accident Attorneys.jpgYou need the best truck accident lawyer to help you understand how to get through it all, including dealing with insurance companies and negotiating a settlement. Our experienced and aggressive truck accident attorneys are here to help, and we offer a free, no-obligation consultation to hear the facts about your situation.

Experienced Marysville Truck Accident Attorneys

With over two decades of experience helping clients who have had an accident on the many freeways in and around the region, our lawyers provide outstanding support and guidance through the often-complicated process of recovering losses and compensation for injuries.  

Our Marysville truck accident attorneys understand that claims involving truck vs. car accidents can be much more complicated than crashes between two passenger vehicles. Truck accidents typically create more evidence, including the history of collisions between the driver and the trucking company.

The Importance of Evidence in a Truck Accident

To prove a valid claim following a truck accident, proving negligence is essential, and our team of experienced lawyers and investigators knows precisely how to uncover all the facts. It will explain your options to you in a way you can understand. Here are just a few types of evidence that our Marysville personal injury lawyers will seek:

  • Cell phone records
  • GPS program records
  • Driver logbook
  • Eyewitness descriptions
  • Driving history
  • Trucking company history of crashes

Truck Accident Attorneys Who Understand Semis

Commercial 18-wheelers are complex vehicles with sophisticated systems that require regular maintenance and inspection. Our Marysville truck accident attorneys are the best because they are highly familiar with trucking industry regulations and all the requirements that owners and operators must meet.

Dealing with Insurance Companies Following a Truck Accident

A truck accident often means multiple insurance companies may be involved in a claim. This fact alone complicates truck accidents, but it also means there may be multiple paths to successfully resolving your claim. When an accident involves more than one potentially liable party, an experienced Marysville truck accident attorney like those at Eason & Tambornini will know how to pursue all of them aggressively

Frequently Asked Questions

Rear-end collision is one of the most common causes of truck and car crashes. Truck drivers may be distracted, driving too fast for road conditions, fatigued, or simply tailgating.

Truck accidents are usually more complicated for several reasons, including the complicated rules and regulations of the industry, and resulting injuries are often much more serious, requiring long-term rehabilitation and extensive medical treatments. Experienced Marysville truck accident attorneys understand all of the potential complications.

Our Marysville truck accident attorneys frequently work with victims of collisions that occur on or near Highway 99 – one of the most dangerous highways in California. Other highways in the area include Highway 65, 70, and 20, which are heavily used by commercial trucks.

If you have been involved in a truck vs. vehicle collision on a road or highway, you should first ensure you remain safe once you exit the vehicle. Stay at the scene of the accident if you are able to, and call the police. Once the police arrive, follow their instructions carefully. Your next call should be to an experienced truck driver attorney in Marysville who can help you navigate what comes next.

Legal Resources in Marysville, CA

Yuba County Courthouse

215 Fifth Street, Suite 200

Marysville, CA 95901

Civil: (530) 740-1800 Ext. 6 or for Fax: (530) 740-1821

Criminal: (530) 740-1800 Ext. 4 or for Fax: (530) 740-1841

Parking: Parking spaces around the courthouse are limited to 2 hours and are enforced by the Marysville Police Department.  Additional longer-term parking is available for no charge in a municipal parking lot located one block south of the courthouse at the intersection of 4th and C Streets.

Civil case information: https://www.yuba.courts.ca.gov/divisions/civil

Criminal case information: https://www.yuba.courts.ca.gov/divisions/criminal

If you have been injured in a truck accident or someone in your vehicle was fatally injured, you need the best truck accident attorney in Marysville. Eason & Tambornini, truck accident attorneys, will fight aggressively on your behalf, and you will not pay a fee until you win your case. You can call us today at 916-438-1819 for a FREE consultation.