Eason & Tambornini, A Law Corporation

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Guarantee: We win, or you don’t pay us a fee!

Marysville Workers Compensation Attorneys

For the last 25 years, Eason & Tambornini workers’ compensation lawyers in Marysville have dedicated themselves to helping employees procure equitable settlements for their work-related injuries. If you’ve been injured on the job or suffer from an ongoing ailment, our Marysville workers’ compensation lawyers are here to help. Give us a call us at (916) 438-1819.

Dedicated Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Marysville

Marysville Workers Compensation AttorneysThe city of Marysville is a beautiful community full of history and tradition. Located about an hour from Sacramento, Marysville is home to many local and national businesses. When employees need advice about workers’ compensation in Marysville, they turn to Eason & Tambornini for answers to their workers’ compensation questions. We’ve built trust within this community and make it our mission to serve the people of Marysville, representing a variety of workers’ compensation claims.

Our lawyers have been a steady and reliable part of the Marysville community and understand the needs of our local clients. At Eason & Tambornini, we believe the best service happens when we take care of those within our community. Any injury or illness that occurs in your work environment should be evaluated by a workers’ compensation lawyer in Marysville. We are proud to serve the people of Marysville.

Why should you Hire a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Marysville?

If an injury or accident occurs at work, workers’ compensation should help you get the medical care you need and help supplement your income while you recover. Unfortunately, the system doesn’t always work. You may find yourself in a situation where you’re not getting the benefits you deserve.

The main reason the system is flawed is that employers and insurance companies resist paying workers’ compensation benefits unless they must. If you or your loved ones encounter this type of situation in your workplace, you may need to hire a Marysville workers’ compensation lawyer.

Our workers’ compensation lawyers help our clients in Marysville get their entitled benefits so they can receive the money and medical care they need to heal and move forward in their lives.

5 Reasons You May Need a Marysville Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

You are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits if you are injured on the job. But, it’s often challenging to receive the compensation you deserve. Sometimes it’s hard to know if you are getting everything you’re entitled to receive.

Here are five reasons you may need a Marysville workers’ compensation lawyer:

1. Your Employer Refuses to Pay for Anything

Under California law, you are entitled to several workers’ compensation benefits, including medical care, payment for lost wages, reimbursement for permanent disability, and job retraining benefits. If your employer refuses to pay this, you need to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer in Marysville.

2. You Haven’t Received your Disability Benefits

Sometimes employers refuse to pay the disability benefits that help you recover some of your lost wages. If you are injured on the job, you are entitled to a portion of your wages. If your company refuses to pay these benefits, you’ll need a workers’ compensation lawyer to help you get the money you deserve.

3. Your Employer Stalls in Paying Benefits

Employers often promise benefits are coming, but if you don’t see any progress on your claim, you should consider hiring a Marysville workers’ compensation lawyer to move the process along on your behalf.

4. You’re Having a Hard Time Communicating with your Employer’s Doctor

If you’re injured on the job, you don’t necessarily get to choose the doctor who treats you. If you feel like your employer’s doctor isn’t giving you the medical care and support you need, you may have a hard time finding a new doctor to treat you. When you hire a workers’ compensation attorney in Marysville, we can help you take charge of your medical care. Our lawyers have extensive information about doctors who can care for your injury and individual medical care.

5. You Get Fired After Your Workplace Injury

It is against California law to be fired or unfairly treated after a workplace injury or after you request workers’ compensation. If your employer terminates your employment for any of the following reasons, you must contact a workers’ compensation lawyer who will fight for the money you deserve.

  • You disclose your plan to file a workers’ compensation claim
  • You submit a workers’ compensation claim
  • You win your workers’ compensation claim
  • You receive a disability rating from a doctor

Additionally, if an employer fires you after an injury, they are also subject to additional penalties that may be paid directly to you.

Our Marysville Workers’ Compensation Attorneys Will Fight for You

Workers’ compensation in California was designed to work for you. Unfortunately, the system can fail, and you may need a professional and knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer in Marysville to ensure you’re receiving the benefits you’re entitled to receive under California’s workers’ compensation laws. If you were injured or fell ill on the job, Eason & Tambornini can help! We will fight for you so that you can focus on what matters most – your recovery.

Choose Eason & Tambornini for Workers’ Compensation Advice and Help

Thank you for visiting our Marysville workers’ compensation attorney webpage. Eason & Tambornini workers’ compensation attorneys in Marysville are here for you and offer all new clients a FREE consultation. If you or a loved one has suffered from a workplace injury in Marysville, please do not hesitate to give us a call at (916) 438-1819.

Legal Resources in Marysville, CA

Yuba County Courthouse
215 Fifth Street, Suite 200
Marysville, CA 95901

Civil: (530) 740-1800 Ext. 6 or for Fax: (530) 740-1821
Criminal: (530) 740-1800 Ext. 4 or for Fax: (530) 740-1841

Parking: Parking spaces around the courthouse are limited to two hours and are enforced by the Marysville Police Department. Additional longer-term parking is available for no charge in a municipal parking lot located one block south of the courthouse at the intersection of 4th and C Streets.

Civil case information: https://www.yuba.courts.ca.gov/divisions/civil
Criminal case information: https://www.yuba.courts.ca.gov/divisions/criminal