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Best Car Accident Attorneys in West Sacramento, CA

Suppose you live in the West Sacramento area, and you’ve been involved in a car accident. In that case, hiring the best car accident attorney is essential for several reasons. The car accident attorneys at Eason & Tambornini are precisely what you are looking for and have been helping West Sacramento area residents untangle the complications of car accident claims for over 25 years.

“Fault” vs. “No Fault”

Best Car Accident Attorneys in West Sacramento CAHiring an experienced car accident attorney if you’ve been in an accident in California is important for several reasons. One of the most critical concerns is which party is at fault for the accident (entirely or partially). And that is because when it comes to car accidents, California is a “fault” state (as opposed to a “no-fault” state).

The Difference Between Fault and No-Fault

In a “No Fault” state, it is not decided who is formally at fault or who caused the accident. The individuals involved (and their insurance companies and car accident attorneys) either come to a settlement agreement or go to court to battle it out. But even then, there is no official “fault” assigned. The goal is a fair settlement when all of the injuries, expenses, and hardships, both present and long-term, are considered, regardless of who was at fault.

California: A “Fault” State for Car Accidents

In California, which is a “fault” state regarding car accidents, injured car accident victims are required by law to file their car accident claims with the “at-fault” driver’s insurance company (not their own). Therefore, it must be determined and proven who caused or contributed in some way to the accident during the insurance claim process.

As you can imagine, all parties should have representation since the person at fault for an accident has much to lose. Those not at fault have much to protect and a right to receive financial benefits for their losses, expenses, and medical bills.

Why Having An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Matters

An experienced car accident attorney who specializes in personal injury and car accident cases will more fully understand the legal framework and how to navigate the system on your behalf. Now that you know “fault” vs. “no-fault,” here are a few other reasons why you need the best car accident attorney in West Sacramento if you’ve been involved in a wreck.

Protecting Your Rights: Insurance companies often employ teams of vehicle accident lawyers who limit the insurance company’s financial liability. Hiring an aggressive, experienced car accident attorney helps create a level playing field by putting someone squarely on your side who will fight to maximize your compensation and secure a fair settlement.

Investigation and Evidence Collection: Gathering evidence is crucial to establishing liability and building a solid case after a car accident. Attorneys have the resources and expertise to conduct a thorough investigation, collect relevant evidence (such as accident reports, medical records, witness statements, and expert opinions), and analyze the facts to build a compelling case on your behalf.

Handling Tricky Insurance Claims’ Processes: Navigating the claims process and dealing with insurance companies can be exhausting and overwhelming, especially when recovering from injuries sustained in a car accident. An experienced and competent car accident attorney will help you avoid “lowball” settlement offers or making statements that could hurt you later.

The West Sacramento car accident lawyers at Eason & Tambornini will advocate on your behalf, fight aggressively for fair compensation, handle all negotiations with the other insurance companies, and protect your interests.

For a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss the facts of your case, call us at (916) 438-1819. Remember: We only get paid once you win your case.