Eason & Tambornini, A Law Corporation

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Best Workers’ Compensation Attorneys in Davis, CA

Workers’ compensation laws in California are complicated. If you’ve been injured on the job, you’ve come to the right law firm. The best workers’ compensation lawyers in Davis are at Eason & Tambornini. With over 100 years of combined experience, their legal professionals have helped hundreds of clients in the Davis, CA area.

Do You Need A Davis Workers’ Compensation Attorney?

Best Workers Compensation Attorneys in Davis CAHere are just a few things to consider when deciding whether to hire an attorney following the occurrence of an accident or illness because of your job:

  1. The severity of the injury: If your injury or illness is minor and no or very little medical treatment is needed, or if you have not missed any work due to your condition, you can complete your claim without a lawyer. But if your injury or illness is severe and has resulted in extensive medical expenses or time off from your job, you would be wise to see legal counsel from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.
  2. The complexity of the situation: If your claim seems simple and your employer is not challenging it, you may not feel like you need a workers’ compensation attorney. However, many of our clients don’t realize there might be more to the situation than meets the eye, such as the potential for third-party liability. In this case, more compensation for the client is possible.
  3. Employer resistance to the process: The bottom line is that your employer needs to comply with California workers’ compensation law. Additionally, if your insurance company denies your claim or benefits, or you feel like you are being treated poorly because you filed a claim, an experienced, assertive workers’ compensation attorney will protect your rights and interests.
  4. Maximum benefits: Having the most competent workers’ compensation attorney will help ensure you receive the full benefits you’re entitled to under California law. A skilled workers’ compensation attorney will look at the facts of your case, gather evidence, deploy investigators when necessary, and negotiate with insurance companies. When necessary, a workers’ compensation attorney will represent you in court and fight to secure fair compensation.

Experience Matters

One of the most compelling reasons the legal professionals at Eason & Tambornini are known as the best workers’ compensation lawyers in Davis, CA, is due to experience. For over 25 years, we have represented injured and sick employees who have suffered physically and incurred significant medical expenses. Our attorneys have more than 100 years of professional legal experience, and they bring that expertise to every client case.

Some of the more common examples of workers’ compensation cases that we have accepted involve the following situations:

  • Scaffolding fall resulting in paralysis
  • Brain damage resulting from a stroke
  • Brain aneurysm due to a fall
  • A heart attack that occurred at work
  • Slip and fall due to spilled liquids
  • Slip and fall due to uneven flooring
  • Hand and foot injuries due to faulty equipment or machinery

Trusted Workers’ Compensation Law Professionals in Davis

The legal team at Eason & Tambornini includes the best workers’ compensation attorneys and legal paraprofessionals in the Davis region, with a proven track record for successful client outcomes.

To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today, call our office at (916) 438-1819.